no personality > other novel > The secret to finding gold [10,000 tons of gold at the ancestral homestead] Latest Chapter List
The secret to finding gold [10,000 tons of gold at the ancestral homestead]

The secret to finding gold [10,000 tons of gold at the ancestral homestead]

Last update:2024-08-21 10:49:24Latest chapter:Chapter 101 Heaven-covering Taoist Robe
There are tens of thousands of tons of gold hidden underground in the Weishui River in northern Jiangsu. This has been a secret for thousands of years. A gold-hunting team from the Beijing Ancient Documents Institute went deep into the ancient city of Hai

book author :Mr. Zi Dao

Latest chapter:Chapter 101 Heaven-covering Taoist Robe

Last update:2024-08-21 10:49:24  Directly to the bottom

《The secret to finding gold [10,000 tons of gold at the ancestral homestead]》Latest chapter
Chapter 101 Heaven-covering Taoist RobeChapter 100 Traveling to the Southern Song DynastyChapter 99 The Taoist Priest from JiankangChapter 98 The Chaotic PresentChapter 97 Dream within a dreamChapter 96 Underground SeaChapter 95 Ancient Stone TurtleChapter 94 Jupiter PlanetChapter 93 The Missing Flying SaucerChapter 92 Thousand-foot CliffChapter 91 Jiang Xiaobao fell into the crack wellChapter 89 Diyongjiao Bridge
《The secret to finding gold [10,000 tons of gold at the ancestral homestead]》text
Chapter 61 Toxic Vapor CloudChapter 62 Sea Onion ParasitismChapter 63 Golden SilkwormChapter 64 The Gold-eating Silkworm KingChapter 65 Return to get the Crystal TearsChapter 66 EarthquakeChapter 67 The magic medicine not recorded in the Compendium of Materia MedicaChapter 68 The Immortal Sea OnionChapter 69 Fire in the Earth’s CoreChapter 70 The zombie lives onChapter 71 Mirror of the Stone CurtainChapter 72 Goodbye KuiChapter 73 Saving the Young DragonChapter 74 Return to the Golden RidgeChapter 77 The Mystery of the Golden Spine’s DirectionChapter 76 VotingChapter 75 The decision to stay or leave the dragon salivaChapter 78 Open Eyes Zhu NiaoChapter 79 The first encounter with evil spiritsChapter 80 The so-called beauty
The latest novel: After breaking off the relationship, I robbed the fake young master of his talent Entertainment tomb robbing: Playing as Meng Youping, teammate Yang Mi The secret to finding gold [10,000 tons of gold at the ancestral homestead] I used a pot of flowers to blow up the entire galaxy Didn’t the beautiful girl I saved lose her memory as promised? Happy little son-in-law 55 Superman The sword that destroys the world If you were a dragon, that would be fine too The landscape is unpretentious