Recently updated Wuxia novels

[Wuxia novel]Blood stained knight's clothesChapter 394: Torture until dawn (3) Love, dance and romance  10-04
[Wuxia novel]Blood stained knight's clothesChapter 393: Torture until dawn (2) Love, dance and romance  10-04
[Wuxia novel]Blood stained knight's clothesChapter 392: Torture until dawn (1) Love, dance and romance  10-04
[Wuxia novel]Blood stained knight's clothesChapter 375: Who is better at scheming (3) Love, dance and romance  10-04
[Wuxia novel]Blood stained knight's clothesChapter 374: Who is better at scheming (2) Love, dance and romance  10-04
[Wuxia novel]Blood stained knight's clothesChapter 373: Who is better at scheming (1) Love, dance and romance  10-04